Learning Precise Affordances from Egocentric Videos for Robotic Manipulation

1University of Edinbugh, 2Huawei Noah’s Ark Lab
Interpolate start reference image.

We present a streamlined affordance learning system that encompasses data collection (from egocentric videos),
effective model training, and robot deployment for manipulation tasks.

Given a task and a cluttered scene, the robot can select the object that possesses the related affordance, grasp the correct part,
and apply the functional part to the target object to perform desired actions.


Affordance, defined as the potential actions that an object offers, is crucial for robotic manipulation tasks. A deep understanding of affordance can lead to more intelligent AI systems. For example, such knowledge directs an agent to grasp a knife by the handle for cutting and by the blade when passing it to someone.

In this paper, we present a streamlined affordance learning system that encompasses data collection, effective model training, and robot deployment. First, we collect training data from egocentric videos in an automatic manner. Different from previous methods that focus only on the object graspable affordance and represent it as coarse heatmaps, we cover both graspable (e.g., object handles) and functional affordances (e.g., knife blades, hammer heads) and extract data with precise segmentation masks. We then propose an effective model, termed Geometry-guided Affordance Transformer (GKT), to train on the collected data. GKT integrates an innovative Depth Feature Injector (DFI) to incorporate 3D shape and geometric priors, enhancing the model's understanding of affordances. To enable affordance-oriented manipulation, we further introduce Aff-Grasp, a framework that combines GKT with a grasp generation model.

For comprehensive evaluation, we create an affordance evaluation dataset with pixel-wise annotations, and design real-world tasks for robot experiments. The results show that GKT surpasses the state-of-the-art by 15.9% in mIoU, and Aff-Grasp achieves high success rates of 95.5% in affordance prediction and 77.1% in successful grasping among 179 trials, including evaluations with seen, unseen objects, and cluttered scenes.

Geometry-guided Affordance Transformer (GAT)

Interpolate start reference image.

The architecture of GAT. It consists of a DINOv2 image encoder, a depth feature injector, an embedder, and LoRA layers. The model performs segmentation by computing cosine similarity between upsampled features and learnable or CLIP text embeddings.


Interpolate start reference image.

The framework of Aff-Grasp. It first employs an open-vocabulary detector to locate all objects within the scene, which are then sent to GAT to dertermine if they possess corresponding affordance required for the task. Afterwards, a 6 DoF grasp generation model, utilizing both the object’s graspable affordance and the depth map, estimates the potential grasp poses. Finally, the robot executes affordance-specific sequential motion primitives to apply the functional part to the target.

Video for Robot Experiments


  title     = {Learning Precise Affordances from Egocentric Videos for Robotic Manipulation}, 
  author    = {Li, Gen and Tsagkas, Nikolaos and Song, Jifei and Mon-Williams, Ruaridh and Vijayakumar, Sethu and Shao, Kun and Sevilla-Lara, Laura},
  journal   = {arxiv preprint arXiv:2408.10123},
  year      = {2024},